Company Values
Our company values are those standards that we hold ourselves to in terms of our behaviour and how we take action.
When you read through our values, you should get a basic understanding of the company culture's and some of the parameters for behaviour (note that we have more specifics around behaviour in our behaviour framework). They articulate the type of company that we are and differentiate us from others.
There are many ways that we can use our company values: when we are recruiting it tells people about our culture and lets them assess whether we are a company they want to work for; they can help new hires to get oriented with cultural norms; when we make decisions we can use the company values to make sure that they are aligned and appropriate; they guide the terms for our behaviour with one another and allow us to reflect upon how we act; they set the groundwork for psychological safety.
In listing out our values, we share those things that matter to us most. However, we are all flawed and we don’t always behave in ways we want, and we won’t always live up to our values either as individuals or as a company. It’s really important that we accept that and that we approach our values with a positive mindset, looking at them as concepts to guide us, rather than ideas to beat ourselves (or others) over the head with.
We should also be open to our values growing and developing, and we should change them as we change as a company. It’s easy to forget that some of the ways that we work are unusual to quite a large part of the workforce. We need to bring people on board to our values in a way that is empathetic but that also allows space for us to evolve as each person brings their own knowledge and perspective into the company.
Bukable’s Values
Act with kindness
This may seem self-evident – what sort of person doesn’t act with kindness? – but it’s important to state the obvious in a remote organisation where kindness needs to be a default. There are a few reasons for this, when we communicate in text we lose most of the signals that allow us to empathise with one another – tone of voice, demeanour, facial expression, body language, etc. When we speak to one another on Slack, all we have is the bare text in the chat room. This means our capacity to feel empathy is reduced. It’s much easier to dash off a few thoughtless words in text, and much more difficult to see whether those thoughtless words were sent by someone who is actually in pain themselves. When we communicate through text, there is a much higher level of interpretation than there is in in-person communication and there is a tendency to inject our own prejudices, mood, and perspective into what someone else has written. Including kindness within our values is a reminder that it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume best intentions when reading what they have written.
In Practice:
If someone says something in text that annoys you, take a step back from your emotion and question your interpretation
Be kind and thoughtful in your interactions with others
Be conscious of how you write and phrase sentences. Are you leaving your words open to interpretation?
Remember that people can be dealing with things that you have no visibility of (either at home or at work) and you are much less likely to pick these things up than you are in an office environment.
Our culture of freedom relies on accountability
Again, this is critical in a remote company. We are afforded a lot of flexibility in our work: We can flex our hours, work when we want and where we want, and approach our work in the way we best see fit. In order for this to be successful, it requires that everyone in the company has a high level of accountability. This means delivering on your commitments, or being clear about why you haven’t been able to, and being accountable for both your work and behaviour. We all have jobs to do and the company only works effectively if we get those jobs done before picking up other things. And it goes beyond individual accountability but taking accountability for the success of the whole company, both in terms of our business goals and in creating a positive work environment for everyone.
In practice:
When you say that you are going to do something, do it. If you can’t, tell the person why and help them figure out an alternative.
Accept that there will be parts of your job that you don’t enjoy, and get them done just as well as the things that you love doing.
When setting your goals or thinking about professional development within the company, think about how these contribute to the company goals
Work in the open, welcome discussion
This is one of the values that we find people from different career backgrounds struggle with the most when joining Bukable. Its origins are from open source software development – the concept that “many eyeballs make bugs shallow.” In layperson’s terms, this means that the more eyes you can get on a problem the more likely you are to find a solution. By being open about what we are doing, we can see things from a perspective we might not have considered before. We do think that, in a remote organisation, openness has an application beyond how it’s thought of within open source development. In a remote company, it’s very easy to feel isolated and focused on just your area. An open culture allows everyone in the company to see what’s going on around the company and how work connects together. The second part of this value is that we are asking everyone to welcome discussion. This means discussion of our work, but also of our practices, processes, and norms. One thing that we could do better here is clarifying expectations around what to do with the discussion that you’re asked to welcome. While we work in the open and are open to feedback, the person doing the work is ultimately accountable and it is their decision whether to participate in a discussion or incorporate feedback from others.
In practice:
Opening tickets for your work in Github
Discussing work in open channels
Accepting that feedback you provide may or may not be incorporated into a final product or outcome
Be open to being questioned on your own practices and seeing how you can iterate
Learn continuously and grow together
We are, all of us, always learning. It’s a part of our personal and career growth. While learning can happen through taking courses, going to conferences, or attending workshops, we'd encourage you to think about the learning that happens every day through your work – the things that you read that add to your store of knowledge, the problem that you encounter and what you learn from overcoming it, the perspective that someone else brings that shines light on a problem and makes you look at it differently, the thing that you failed at but you’ve learned to do differently next time. Learning happens all of the time, which is something we wanted to capture in this value. But we also wanted to capture that we learn more when we learn together. This could be through sharing information with one another, being curious and questioning how we are doing things, being open about failures and setbacks, and being open to the possibility that things could be done differently.
In practice:
Carry out retrospectives and feed back what you’ve learned into organisational processes
Write updates or post in Slack to share things that you have learned
Look outside of Bukable to see what other solutions are out there that can enrich the company
Regularly reflect with your managers and your peers about whether things are going well and what can be improved
Have the courage to aim higher
This is one of the values that we really see coupled with learning continuously: you need to be ambitious in what you do, stretching yourself so that you grow beyond any self-imposed limits. Most times this happens across the company when people go well beyond the expectations that anyone else has of them. We realise that this hasn’t been the most comfortable transition, and that it still has its growing pains, but if we can be courageous then we can take ourselves so much further and learn so much more than we would if we remain within our comfort zone.
In practice:
When setting your goals, think about how comfortable they are. Can you push them 10% further? 20%?
Take calculated risks and don’t be afraid of failure. Through failure we learn, and without taking risks we fail to grow
Encourage each other to stretch, to experiment, to take risks, and try new things
Start with trust, and be trustworthy
Remote work only works when there is a high level of trust between employer and employee. There is no manager sitting over your shoulder checking in on you and no requirement that you clock in and clock out. This relies on the company trusting you to get on with your own work and deliver upon expectations. But we also need to trust each other as individuals, both old employees and new ones. Trust is a word that is thrown around a lot, and it’s often much harder than the word would imply. This value says “start with trust” rather than something like “default to trust” because sometimes trust is lost, and while we always strive to rebuild trust sometimes it’s not possible and we have to learn to work within those parameters too.
In practice:
Trust that the people in a specific role know what they are doing
Welcome new team members to the company and be open to the change they can bring
Resist thinking that your way is the only way, and be open to people trying out new things
Everything is driven by people
People are at the heart of Bukable. Nothing in the company happens without the people whose knowledge and expertise makes the work happen. Those people need to be happy and motivated. Not only is this the right, empathetic, thing to do, but when people are happy and motivated they produce better results for the company. We do want to stress that keeping people at the heart of the business doesn’t mean giving everyone everything they want all of the time. Sometimes what you want might conflict with what someone else wants; sometimes what you want might conflict with what the business needs. It is always a balancing act to keep in mind the needs of individuals, the needs of all employees, and the needs of the company as a whole. What feels crap to you might be in the best interests of the business, which is ultimately in the best interest of all employees as it means continuing, secure employment. What matters is that everyone in the company is treated and respected as the team members you are.
In practice:
Consider the impact of your actions on other people in the company.
When putting together processes and policies consider how they are going to impact different people
Focus on the positive, face the negative
Some times, teams tend focus on negative things that happens within team instead of focusing on the positive ones. We need to actively talk about things that are great so that we all know what greatness looks like and try to achieve that ourselves, and we need to be empathetic individuals who are willing to face problems in a candid, compassionate, kind manner.
In practice:
Praise frequently in public
Deliver critical personal feedback in private
Deal with difficult issues early on
Challenge each other and be open to being challenged
Good today is better than perfect tomorrow
This is a fairly common idiom: we shouldn’t let perfectionism get in the way of getting things done. By aiming for perfectionism we can get in the way of things moving forward with decent velocity. Often perfectionism just means the final 5% that doesn’t have a meaningful impact on the outcome of the work. Or it can mean looking for the most elegant solution rather than the most efficient solution. We need to approach our work with a certain practicality, keeping an eye on what we want to achieve and not getting bogged down in the details.
In practice:
Focus on the outcome you want to achieve and figure out the most efficient and effective way to get there
Ask yourself if what you have done is good enough: if it is, move on
Take an iterative approach, trying something out and making improvements as you go
Strive to be globally conscious
Being globally conscious means being aware of the world around us. We are a company that is embedded in a world and in a market. We need to know what is going on out there in the world, our position within the market, what the trends are that are shaping the landscape. We should be globally curious and go in search of those things that we can bring back to the company to enable us to grow.
In practice:
Remember linguistic differences. Not everyone has English as their first language and even those who do might struggle to articulate in text.
Remember cultural differences. What might be self-evident in your culture may be completely alien to someone else.
Default to curiosity. Look outside the company to learn something new and bring it back to help us grow.
Have a meaningful impact
We want everyone to feel fulfilled and motivated by the work that you do and by the environment that you are in.
In practice:
Consider the impact that you have on those around you and people further afield. What do you think they would say about the impact that you are having?
Always consider impact. If your actions are not going to effect change somewhere or for someone, why are you taking them?
Take responsibility for the whole company’s success
Every single person at Bukable contributes to the success of the company. This is true whether you are managing others, making sales, writing code, managing projects, recruiting new team members, or however you contribute. We are in this together. We all need to take responsibility to make sure that this thing is successful. We can do this by trying to succeed in our roles, but we can also do it in the ways that we behave and work with others. When we are thinking about the success of the whole company, we’re not just thinking “what is in this for me” or even “what is in this for my team” but “how will this positively impact Bukable.”
Think about how the decisions made by you and your team impact other areas of the company
Collaborate rather than just doing things yourself – this way others can learn along with you
Keep in mind the ultimate company goals whenever making decisions
Last updated
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